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Dream-Share-Lead Community Workshop

Where: Location To Be Determined

Elizabeth Walsh (MO#613)andBoard Member Angela Williams (MO#813)ofStrong Owls had such a great time connecting, listening and dreaming with others at the kickoff meeting forElectric City Recharged(the City of Schenectady's comprehensive planning process) that they're hosting a community workshop Dec 3 to keep the conversations going! 

Elizabeth and Angela are also 2 of more than a dozen members of theCommunity Change CouncilofOne Schenectady, a people-powered movement to unleash our diverse strengths and create thriving communities for one and all in Schenectady County.  Elizabeth, Angela,Mary Clare O'Connor (MO#441),and other community-members have been wondering what it would look like to recharge Schenectady with (r)evolutionary love - love for others, our opponents, ourselves, and our common home. This workshop will create an opportunity to explore this possibility and many more as we dream, share, and lead together.  Please let Elizabeth know if you'd like to participate in the Community Workshop (, and also if you might be interested in being part of the team to host it. 

November 3

ECCG at the Greenmarket

December 7

Festival of Trees