Upcoming Events:
2nd Annual Beloved Community Pie Social
Where: TBD
What: Save the date! Once again, NAACP Schenectady Branch 2175, Electric City Community Grocery, and Inner Bliss Yoga & Wellness will be co-hosting Schenectady's Beloved Community Pie Social! (Catch a glimpse of the inaugural celebration here!)
When: Jan. 20, Dr. Martin Luther King Day, time TBD
Info: If you'd like to help with planning, please sign up here.
ECCG Info Session with First Reformed Church (Stockade Neighborhood)
Where: First Reformed Church, 8 N Church St, Schenectady, NY 12305
What: ECCG leaders will present and answer questions at the First Reformed Church’s First Forum Program
When: January 26, 11:15am-12pm.
(R)evolutionary Love Train - Potluck & Three Kings & a Queen Dance Party
Where: Stockade Inn, 1 N Church St, Schenectady, NY 12305
What: A heartwarming Community Potluck and Dance Party to celebrate the many ways we navigate through times of uncertainty to welcome peace, love, and joy into our communities!
Who: All are welcome for this free event, hosted by Inner Bliss, with leadership from several ECCG MOs, including Mary Clare O'Connor (MO#441), Elizabeth Walsh (MO#613), Dustin Longmire (MO#821), and Board Member Angela Williams (MO#813).
When: Monday, Jan 6, 5:30-8:30pm
Info: More info is available on Facebook
Schenectady Greenmarket @ Proctors
Where: City Hal
What: ECCG Community Table - meet, greet, and spread the word!
When: 10am-2pm
Info: Sign up to join us here, and learn more about the Schenectady Greenmarket on Facebook
Festival of Trees
Where: Schenectady County Historical Society, 32 Washington Ave. Schenectady, NY 12305 (in the Stockade)
What: Local artists, businesses, and non-profits have come together to turn the galleries of SCHS into a land of wintertide enchantment, and guests are invited to vote for their favorites! Be sure to vote for the Electric City Community Grocery’s tree!
When: December 7 – December 28 (closed 12/24 and 12/25), 10 am - 4:30 pm
Info: For ticket prices and more info visit here.
Santa's Screenprinting Workshop
We’re screening our logo - make a handcrafted gift for the co-oper in your life!
Lights on the Hill Chili/Soup Cookoff
Where: Hamilton Hill Art Center’s Sankofa Park
What: Celebrate the holidays with a vibrant and inclusive event that reflects the beauty and diversity of our community.
When: 5-8pm
Info: Learn more here, and sign up to represent ECCG in the cook-off here.
Perhaps decoration isn't your jam, but cooking is! Do you or someone you know make amazing chili or soup? We'd love for Electric City Community Grocery to enter a great Member-Owner soup and/or chili (or perhaps multiple entries)! Please sign up hereif you're interested in participating in the cook-off.
Festival of Trees
Where: Schenectady County Historical Society, 32 Washington Ave. Schenectady, NY 12305 (in the Stockade)
What: Local artists, businesses, and non-profits have come together to turn the galleries of SCHS into a land of wintertide enchantment, and guests are invited to vote for their favorites! Be sure to vote for the Electric City Community Grocery’s tree!
When: December 7 – December 28 (closed 12/24 and 12/25), 10 am - 4:30 pm
Info: For ticket prices and more info visit here.
Dream-Share-Lead Community Workshop
Where: Location To Be Determined
What: Dream * Share *Lead - Community Workshop (let's continue the Electric City Recharged conversation!)
When: Tuesday, Dec. 3, 6-8pm
Info: Please email Elizabeth.Walsh@gmail.com if you're interested in learning more
Elizabeth Walsh (MO#613)andBoard Member Angela Williams (MO#813)ofStrong Owls had such a great time connecting, listening and dreaming with others at the kickoff meeting forElectric City Recharged(the City of Schenectady's comprehensive planning process) that they're hosting a community workshop Dec 3 to keep the conversations going!
Elizabeth and Angela are also 2 of more than a dozen members of theCommunity Change CouncilofOne Schenectady, a people-powered movement to unleash our diverse strengths and create thriving communities for one and all in Schenectady County. Elizabeth, Angela,Mary Clare O'Connor (MO#441),and other community-members have been wondering what it would look like to recharge Schenectady with (r)evolutionary love - love for others, our opponents, ourselves, and our common home. This workshop will create an opportunity to explore this possibility and many more as we dream, share, and lead together. Please let Elizabeth know if you'd like to participate in the Community Workshop (elizabeth.walsh@gmail.com), and also if you might be interested in being part of the team to host it.
Screen printing social at C.R.E.A.T.E Community Studios
Come join the members of the Electric City Community Grocery for a fun night of Screen printing!
Dream Team Meetup
National Co-op Grocers is coming to town! Let’s get together to welcome them on board and launch the next phase of co-op development! We’re meeting at 151 Bar and Restaurant to welcome our new partners and to connect people! Interested in attending, you can learn more here!
I Am Father Fest
We invite ECCG’s fathers to join us at our table for this year's "I Am Father Festival", hosted by Community Fathers, Inc!
This event is all about fathers, family, and community love! Let's make it an unforgettable experience with your presence.
Schenectady County Food Council Meeting
July’s Food Council meeting: "Food Assistance 101: Essential Tips & Resources" will be focusing on governmental food assistance programs, eligibility, application tips, and more to stretch your grocery budget and support our community! Help us let people know how we are bringing a community-owned grocery store to downtown that will accept SNAP and Double Up Food Bucks - helping expand access to fresh, local food!
Common Unity Cup
The 518 Common Unity Cup is an event created by COCOA House Executive Director William Rivas. It was created as an extension of his community work and collaborative efforts to bridging the gap between law enforcement and community members. Common Unity Cup events bring about Fun and Interaction between community members and Community Service Agencies in different settings/venues throughout the City of Schenectady. We plan to host an Electric City Community Grocery table on 7/30.
Steinmetz Park Family Fun Day
The Goose Hill Neighborhood Association’s Steinmetz Park Family Fun Day offers free fun, food, and entertainment along with family friendly activities and outreach from local community-driven vendors. We’ll be there making Food Sovereignty Crowns with the kids!
Annual Member Owner Meeting
The Annual Member-Owners Meeting for the Electric City Food Cooperative, Inc is scheduled! Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on the afternoon of Sunday, June 30th - exact time and location to be determined.
The annual meeting features an update on our process, progress and direction. We will provide ample time for Q&A, and will also include opportunities to learn more about co-ops, connect with one another, and create our future together. This year, although there are no proposed by-law changes, Member-Owners will have an opportunity to vote on the election of members of our Board of Directors.
You can RSVP for the meeting here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuSRWy3VyI4lsQd-H61mH1rDEOOQgtuVWc_pVR35X7xM_Rjg/viewform
Call to Action - City Council Meeting
We need you for a strong turnout at Monday’s City Council Meeting!